In a few houses now I’ve seen a station that the homeowner
calls their “command center”. This is typically a household with kids or lots
going on or both! Most houses have what we call “the hub”, which is the spot in
the house with the calendars and schedules and here the mail, keys and phones
are set down. Most often this is in the kitchen close to all of the action.
The “command center” that I am talking about it a spot like
the hub but a bit more intense... in a good way! The things included can be a
calendar, chore list, schedules, kids bins (for things to go back to school),
grocery list, charging station, mail collection, weekly meal plan, return items bin, library return bin, receipt drop,
and on hand pens, pencils, paper and scissors. This is where the family comes
together in planning, organization and team work! Check out our new Pinterest page with some great ideas for your “command center” and make sure to get other family members involved!